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Vega, Texas Real Estate and Community Information
Why Do People Live Here?
Vega, Texas Real Estate and Community Information-Vega is located 30 miles west of Amarillo on Rt. 66. in Oldham County. It is the county seat of Oldham County. It has a great school system, several churches, businesses, and restaurants. Vega, Texas has a strong history and there are several museums to visit.
The climate in Vega is dry with the average rainfall averaging 20 inches per year. The summers are hot with low humidity. The temperature can be pleasant throughout the year and it varies widely from day to day. All seasons have mild days and days where the weather is extreme. The wind blows very hard sometimes.
There are several colleges and technical schools in nearby Amarillo. West Texas A & M University is also close by in Canyon, Texas. There are a few churches in Vega and lots of places to eat in Vega.
Looking for a home in Vega, Texas
Interested in finding properties for sale in Vega, Texas? Click that link to find all the currently available homes in Vega, Texas. When you go to the above link, you can further filter homes by zip code, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, size, price, etc. You can sign up for a particular type of home to be sent to you on a daily or weekly schedule.
What Schools will the Kids Attend?
If you buy a home for sale in Vega, Texas, the local schools serving this area is the Vega Independent School District. Vega has one school for pre-k through 12th grade.
To get local school scores and find more information about these schools click on the link above.
Vega does not have any private schools, but there are several private schools in Amarillo 30 miles east of Vega. Click the following link for more information on Amarillo Private Schools.
Now you really want to find a home here, right?
If you are interested in the current homes for sale in Vega, Texas, click on this link: Properties for sale in Vega, Texas? Our ‘for sale’ property information is a direct feed from the Amarillo Association of Realtors MLS and is updated multiple times per day. Here is a link for more information about Vega.
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