Looking for a home in Adrian, Texas?
Adrian, Texas Real Estate and Community Information – Loving rural areas and living in the area for a while, Rafter R Realty is here to help you find the perfect Adrian, Texas Home or Property. See available Adrian, TX listings or reach out to us with questions or to see a see a property in person (Page updated instantly with the MLS updates) Click that link to find all the currently available homes and properties in Adrian, Texas. When you go to the above link, you can further filter homes by zip code, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, size, price, etc. You can sign up for a particular type of home to be sent to you on a daily or weekly schedule, see a property in person for a private showing or for more information on any of these properties or for more information about this community.
Why buy a house in the Adrian, TX area?
Homes for Sale in Adrian, TX. Adrian, TX is the tiny town located 40 miles west of Amarillo, TX. It is located on Rt. 66 and home to the official Midpoint between Chicago and Los Angeles on Rt. 66. The residents are very sweet and kind. It is home to three local churches. Adrian is home to Midpoint Cafe. The official midpoint between Los Angeles and Chicago on Rt. 66 is in Adrian. Many stop here as they travel Rt.66. This community originated in 1900, when the Rock Island Railroad survey marked the site as a future station and shipping point. It was named after an early settler named Adrian Cullen. Adrian was incorporated in 1953.
The climate in Adrian is dry with the average rainfall averaging 20 inches per year. The summers are hot with low humidity. The temperature can be pleasant throughout the year and it varies widely from day to day. All seasons have mild days and days where the weather is extreme. The wind blows very hard sometimes.
There are several colleges and technical schools in nearby Amarillo. West Texas A & M University is also close by in Canyon, Texas.
What Schools will the Kids Attend?
If you buy a home for sale in Adrian, Texas, the local schools serving this area is the Adrian Independent School District. Adrian has one school for pre-k through 12th grade. To get local school scores and find more information about these schools click on the link above.
Adrian does not have any private schools, but there are several private schools in Amarillo, 40 miles east of Adrian. Click the following link for more information on Amarillo Private Schools.
Amarillo has a large homeschool community. There is a group called PCHEA, which is an organization for homeschoolers in Amarillo and surrounding areas. There is also a sports organization for homeschoolers. You can find more information about that organization on Facebook at this link: Amarillo Flames.
If you’re looking for Adrian, Tx Homes for sale, Adrian land for sale, Farms and Ranches for sale in Adrian, TX area click on this link: properties for sale in Adrian, Texas? Our ‘for sale’ property information is a direct feed from the Amarillo Association of Realtors MLS and is updated multiple times per day. Here is a link for more information about Adrian.
Do You Have a Question about listings for Adrian, Texas
Fire away If you would like to ask us something specific about a property or about this rural community.
Why Work With Rafter R Realty?
Rafter R Realty specializes in home and properties in the Adrian, TX area. We know the ins and outs of Adrian. Looking to sell your Adrian home? Great! We’ll help you get top dollar and sell fast with our marketing system and we will walk you through the entire process.